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Name: MACTEAR, James William Shenton
Birth Date: 17 Sep 1907 Kensington
Death Date: 21 Sep 1981 Johannesburg, S. Africa
First Date: 1932
Profession: Asst. Inspector, Kenya Police in 1939, appointed 1938. Originally Constable 1932
Area: Mombasa 1939
Married: 1. In Kisumu 1935 Gerda Kuhn b. 24 June 1916 Germany; 2. Isabella Miller Smillie b. 19 May 1908, d. 1999 S. Africa (prev. m. George Lawrence St Leger MacMullan 1908-1953)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 31, Colonial, Ord
School: Bradfield College
General Information:
Ord - Police Training School ….. Jim McTear [sic] and his wife
Red 31 has J.W. Mactear, Sabatia.
Colonial - Inspr. 1942; Asst. Supt. 1944
Tenniel Evans, Don't Walk in the Long Grass: Constance Marion Evans b. 14 Dec 1916 Newark, Notts., d. 1988 Hull
Tenniel Evans, Don't Walk in the Long Grass: Jimmy Mactear and his German wife Gerda met the train at Mombasa and I felt very important. Jimmy was police commissioner, or something, and he looked very handsome and reassuring in his Immaculate white uniform. He had a small pencil moustache and looked like Errol Flynn, and, as Gerda was a pretty Jesse Matthews type with sticking out teeth and a Eugene wave, they made a glamorous couple. Their wedding upcountry a couple of years before had been something of a social event and we had all been thrilled when Jimmy had promised to see me onto the boat.