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Name: EBBLEWHITE, Thomas Stanley 'Tosh'
Birth Date: 25.1.1905 Fulham
Death Date: 1974 Valencia, Spain
First Date: 1927
Profession: Asst. Inspector, Kenya Police in 1939, appointed 1939. Originally Constable 1927.
Area: Songhor 1939
Married: In Bersted, Sussex 1934 Madeline Sara 'Sally' Romer b. 25 July 1909 Burstow, Surrey, d. 7 Nov 1999 Barnsley
Children: William Ralph (19 May 1935 Mombasa-2012); Thomas Romer (1937); Harry John (27 Sep 1940 Mombasa-2017); Josephine (1945)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Red 31, Habari 16
General Information:
Habari 16 - Kiminini - What a wonderful prosecutor he was. He later became acting Crown Counsel.
Gazette - 13/9/1927 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Police Constable - T.S. Ebblewhite
Captain of Eldoret cricket team.
Played the ukulele.