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Name: DOUGLAS, Hugh Miller
Birth Date: 1891
First Date: 1928
Profession: Engineer. Foreman, PWD, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1939. Originally Insp. Water Supplies 1928. Inspector of Works (Water Supplies) in 1953
Area: Nairobi, 1930 Mombasa
Married: Margaret ?Lochhead b. 1892, d. 16 Feb 1976 Mombasa
Children: Jessie Ray Lochead (1917)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Staff 53, Red 31, SS
General Information:
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Major H.M. Douglas, c/o Lieut-Col. Hon H. Bridgeman, 1 Cottesmore Gardens, Kensington, W - Farm 683
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List- Hugh Miller Douglas, Engineer, 3rd Avenue Parklands and Mrs Margaret Douglas, 3rd Avenue Parklands
Gazette 22 July 1977 wife's probate ?
Address in passenger list is Hamilton, Scotland