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Name: SAMPSON, John Dennis MM (Sergeant)

Birth Date: ?16 Mar 1920 Bromley, Kent

Death Date: ?24 July 1988 Beckenham

Profession: KAR

Book Reference: Sitrep 2, A. Allen

War Service: KAR

General Information:

A. Allen - John Dennis Sampson – Kenya regiment att 5/KAR, one of 3 MM’s to KAR Europeans. MM for river Omo – Abyssinia. (Omo is a KAR battle honour.)  At the river Omo on the  5th june 1941, Sgt Sampson was sent forward with his platoon to engage the enemy and came under heavy fire from two enemy  medium machine guns, which pinned his platoon to the ground. during this time, Sgt Sampson set an excellent example to his men, by moving from section to section under heavy fire, and controlling the fire of his whole platoon. by his determination and utter disregard to his personal danger, he encouraged his platoon to hold on to a difficult and insecure position, at the same time giving valuable covering fire whilst the enemy guns were being put out of order to the left of his position. Sgt Sampson has in all his actions, been responsible for instilling confidence in his men by his complete fearlessness.
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 636). No birthdate in KR records.

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