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Name: MOTTASHAW, John 'Slushey'
Birth Date: 1873 Bendigo, Australia
Nationality: Australian
First Date: 1907
Profession: Originally worked for Powys Cobb cutting fence posts and fencing at Keringet, Molo
Area: Molo
Married: In Pretoria 8 Feb 1904 Agnes Perry, b. 1885 Southampton
Children: Freda (3 Jan 1906 Pretoria); Eva (twin, 3 Jan 1906 Pretoria)
Book Reference: Gethin, Red 31, Hut, Curtis, Gazette
General Information:
Gethin - 1909 - 'We had been at Kerenget only a day when a stranger suddenly appeared, introducing himself as Mottowshow, an Aussie and proud of it. His father had been deported to Australia for sheep stealing when a boy. Slushey, as he was called, stood about 5 ft. 5 ins. and had funny little club feet, a large cavalry moustache, and a wonderful flow of language. He had been taken on by Drury to cut fence poles and was living about 3 miles away in the forest ......... he taught me a packet about timber and tree felling ....... Slushey was a marvellous cook. Every Saturday evening he would make a long roll of plum duff which lasted the week cut into slices. Then he would turn out pastry tarts full of Golden syrup which he called Cocky's Joy. ...... Slushey and I kept the job going for about 3 months. We had a large stock of fence posts ready and it was now suggested by Cobb that Slushey took on a fencing contract to fence the whole of Kerenget .... [quoted in Curtis - p. 86]
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Njoro - John Motashow (British), Farm Manager
Gethin diary 1911 - Molo - 'Watts arrives from Lumbwa. Mrs Mottoshaw from Keringet.'
Red 31 has J. Mottashaw, Rongai, Hut the same
Gazette 15 Apr 07 Bird Licence
1903 travelled from Australia to Durban