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Name: MACKEY, William
Nee: bro of Frederick Robert Mackey
Birth Date: 1866 St Lukes, Middlesex
First Date: 1919
Profession: Partner with Bates and MacLelland in a labour recruiting company in 1919. Making a fortune in collecting labour. Chiefs were handed out cases of whisky and brandy for so many recruits produced - press ganged! Ex Grenadier Guardsman
Area: Kisii, Red 25 Garba Tula, NFD
Book Reference: Gethin, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22
General Information:
Gethin - The labour recruiting game was easy money, the cost being about 2 rupees per head, each recruit being worth approximately 40 rupees landed at Nairobi. 'Mackey and Co. were said to have made a clear profit of £3000 in 3 months, most of which disappeared in drink in about the same period. All the partners are now dead, the chief cause being lifting the elbow to excess.'