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Name: MacLEAN, D. F.
Nationality: Scottish
First Date: 1925
Profession: Employed as a labour recruiter in the Kisii area by Richard Gethin in 1925. He proved an excellent recruiter and although there were other recruiting firms, MacLean seemed to get most of the boys.
Area: Kisii
Book Reference: Gethin, Red 31, Hut, Red 22
General Information:
Gethin - He was a Scotsman with a little red beard, but nobody knew much about him. He claimed to be one of the MacLean clan, and could quite well have been, as he was well educated and had very nice manners. He suddenly disappeared one day and was never heard of again.
Red 22 - Miss McLean, Kisumu - Recruiting Agent ?
Red 31 has D.F. Maclean, Kisii
Red 31 also has M.P. Maclean, Kisii
See also Donald McLean