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Name: DORNHOFF, C. H. Count
First Date: 1938
Last Date: Left Kenya about three months before WW2 started
Profession: Transporters
Area: Kilgoris
Book Reference: Gethin
General Information:
Gethin - 'there were two Germans living at Kilgoris, about 40 miles from Kisii, Count and Countess Dornhoff and Prince Lieven. They were trading with the Masai and Kisii and they owned a 3 ton Mercedes truck which Prince Lieven used to transport goods to Kendu. Prince Lieven, who was a Russian in the 1914 war, changed his nationality when Russia surrendered and became German. He was known as Duu Mick and was a funny little man to look at. He stood about 5'5" and wore a large 10 gallon hat with the brim cut off and a large pair of spectacles. I liked him a lot and he was about the only one of that crowd who did any work. Dornhoff and the Countess were different. Typical Huns, and she was a Jewess. Duu Mick hated the sight of her. He frequently stayed with me and on arrival used to introduce himself by saying, "I make the transport, the Countess sit on her bum at Kilgoris". Dornhoff was quite a nice fellow and he and the Countess often stayed with me for weekends.'
See Kenya Land Commission (text on web)
See Dornhoff's evidence verbatim to Kenya Land Commission on internet (Vol 2 Evidence and Memoranda pp. 1203-1208)