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Name: DUNMAN, Victor William (Lieut.)

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Nee: bro of Harry Barnett, Charles Theophilus and George Dunman

Birth Date: 20 Dec 1887 S. Africa

Death Date: 20 Sep 1917 Mihambia, near Kilwa, EA on active service, died of wounds

First Date: 1906

Last Date: 1917

Profession: Coffee farmer in Kiambu; he later sold his estate to P.J.H. Coldham

Area: Kiambu

Married: Maud Priscilla d. Cape Province

Book Reference: Gillett, Barnes, Hut, EAMR, CWGC, Kiambu Scrapbook, Red Book 1912, Gazette

War Service: WW1 with EAMR - B Sqdn. 8/8/14 - Cpl. 10/8/14; Sergt. 21/11/14; Lieut. 6/12/15 To KAR - wounded and died of wounds

General Information:

An active cricketer & rugger player, he was a Trooper in the EAMR, was wounded and died of his wounds. He was buried in the Old Cemetery near Aerodrome Road.
EAMR - Photo - The Regimental Soccer Team
CWGC - V.W. Dunman, Lieutenant, Special List, attd. 2nd/2nd KAR, who died on Wednesday, 19th September 1917. Nairobi Cemetery, Grave Ref: V A 14
Kiambu Scrapbook - A South African, Mr Victor Dunman, had bought a 640 acre farm in this area known as Dururumu, which he later increased to 1000 acres. Mr Philip Coldham arrived in Kiambu in 1910, looking for land in this area, and bought the higher part of Dururuma from Mr Dunman, which spread across two ridges on the borders of the Kiambu Reserve.
EAMR - Clerk of the Course at Military Sports - Christmas 1915
EAMR - Member of Officers' and Sergeants' Cricket Team - Christmas 1915 -
Nairobi South cemetery - died 20 Sept 1917 aged 37. in / loving memory / of our Victor / Lieut V W Dunman / born Dec 20th 1887 / died of wounds at Mihamba E.A. / 20th Sep 1917
Red Book 1912 - H.W. Dunman - Kyambu 
Gazette 30/1/1918 - Probate and Administration in respect of the estate of Lieut. Victor William Dunman - Captain Harry Barnett Dunman appointed as Administrator
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Maud Priscilla Dunman, Married, M'Durumu, Kiambu
William Cherry: He played rugby for these Kenya teams:  The Plain (1906). Kiambu (1907).  Settlers (1909).  The Rest (1910 & 1913).  South Africans (1912).  East African Mounted Rifles (EAMR) Left Wing (1915). The 1906 The Plain vs. The Hill match is the first recorded rugby match in Kenya that we are aware of.

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