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Name: SWANN, Hugh Bagehot 'H.B.'
Nee: born Schwann, son of Henry Sigismund Schwann, stockbroker
Birth Date: 1904 Kensington, London, bapt. 9 July
Death Date: 20 June 1974 Malindi
Last Date: 1974
Profession: He set up H.B. Fishing Service, chartering fishing boats at Malindi
Area: Malindi, 1930 Kitale
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Malindi, Red 31, Hut, O&C, Barnes
School: New College Oxford 1923-26
General Information:
Malindi Makaburini Road cemetery - H B Swann - fisherman - 1904-1974
Hut - 1927 Pupil Brodhurst-Hill Turbo
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Trans Nzoia Voters List - coffee planter, Kitale
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 574).
Gazette 20 Dec 1974 probate
Gazette 10 July 1934 for a Henry Bagehot Swann, d 27 May 1931 at Eastbourne [wrong]
Nat Probate Calendar