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Name: FICHAT, Sydney Carlisle (Capt.)

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Birth Date: 1867 Georgetown, South Africa

Death Date: 5 Nov 1925 London

First Date: 1903

Profession: Nairobi businessman, Vice-Chairman, Nairobi Colonists' Association 1912, and in the same year was Secretary of the Nairobi Chamber of Commerce. Land and estate agent

Area: Nairobi

Married: In Cape Town 17 Nov 1897 Stella Marie Perossi b. 1 Feb 1880 Plymouth, d. 17 June 1969 Nairobi

Children: Sybil Carlisle (Reynolds) (20 Sep 1898 Umtali, Rhodesia-1997); Annetta Elise (1900-1961); Sydney Carlisle (10.11.1902-6 June 1961); Stella Marie (Spry) (28.11.1906 Nairobi-22 Aug 1995 Kensington); Una Carlisle (9.8.1909 Nairobi-1914); Daphne Louise (Parker)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Land 1903, KAD, Hut, North, Legion, Playne, Macmillan, Drumkey, Land, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1907, SKP, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19, Sitrep 2, Barnes

War Service: Captain

General Information:

SE - S.C. Fichat - Govt. Rd. - Jul 1907
Land Grant 1903 - Capt. S. Fischat - Agricultural, 618 acres - Kikuyu - Nov. 7 - Freehold - Homestead
Playne - Group photograph of the Colonists' Association of British East Africa - Secretary
Playne - A large number of properties for sale and houses and plots in Nairobi and Parklands to let and for sale are always to be heard of from Mr S.C. Fischat, [sic] land and estate agent, who also acts as secretary to the Colonists' Association, Chamber of Commerce, the Caxton Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., and as representative of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. Mr Fischat came to BEA in 1903 from South Africa. He was formerly in business in Johannesburg, and in 1901 went to Rhodesia and took part in the Matabele War and the supression of the rebellion.
During the Boer War he was adjutant to Colonel Johann Colenbrander, 1st Kitchener's Fighting Scouts. On arrival in EA he took up land at Kikuyu and then went to Mombasa as manager of the 'African Standard'. The present business was established in Nairobi in 1905, and Mr Fischat now owns some 2400 acres of land 9 miles from Nairobi. In conjunction with Mr Firmin, Mr Fischat is agent for this publication in Nairobi and district.
Playne - 'The Leader' - founded on the remains of the fallen 'Star', was the project of Mr Thomas Raynes, a prominent citizen of the Nairobi community, who acquired the whole of the essential stock and machinery of the defunct journal. The first intention of that gentleman was to send to England for a capable editor; but at the psychological moment he was informed of the arrival at Mombasa of Mr Alexander Davis, and experienced South African journalist and the editor-in-chief of the 'African Review' of London. A correspondence ensued, resulting in the engagement of Mr Davis as managing editor. Mr Davis brought out the first number of the 'Leader' on May 23, 1908, and the journal instantly enjoyed public favour. The enterprise was formed into a company, under the title of the Caxton Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., with Mr Thomas Raynes as managing director; Messrs Stephen Ellis, Dr. Hannigan, D. Cooper, and H. Howitt, directors; and Mr S.C. Fischat, secretary. Later Mr A. Raynes joined the firm as business manager.
Drumkey 1909 - Secretary, The Colonists' Association of BEA
Drumkey 1909 - Estate Agent - Govt. Rd., Nairobi
Land - 1908 - S.C. Fichat - Building, 9375 sq. ft., Nakuru Township, 2-4-06, Registered 24-7-08
Land - 1908 - S.C. and Mrs S.M. Fichat - Grazing, 2407 acres, Kamiti, 24-9-06, Registered 18-5-08
Land - 1906 - C. Grant and S. Fichat - Residential, 2-88 acres, Parklands, 14-7-06, Registered 25-10-06
Advertiser - 13/8/1909 - Birth - Mrs S.C. Fichat - a daughter - Mon. 9th inst
North - Land Grant application, Kikuyu 7-11-1903; Member of Kikuyu Trading Syndicate with Alex Low & Joseph Grice which was wound up Aug/Sept 1904; Manager of EAS Nairobi 15-7-1905
Nairobi South cemetery - Una Fichat, died March 1914, child of Mrs S.C. Fichat
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - Mrs S. Fichat arrived Jan 1904, S Fichat arrived Jan 1904 - Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - S.C. Fichat - Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - Secretary - Nairobi Chamber of Commerce
Red Book 1912 - Vice-Chairman - Nairobi Colonists' Association
Red Book 1912 - Estate Agent, Nairobi
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - Sydney Carlisle Fichat - Coffee Farmer, Hill Crest Farm, Limoru Road
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Nairobi - S.C. Fichat
KAD 1922 has S.C. Fichat, Lumbwa.
Hut has S.C. Fichat 1921 Kericho BEADOC
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 480) [his son]
Hut has S.C. Fichat - 1919 BEADOC
Gazette 13 June 1961 probate [his son]
National Probate Calendar for death
His wife gave up coffee planting at Kiambu in the depressed time before WW2 to open up a curio shop in new premises in an arcade when the Stanley Hotel was rebuilt and became the New Stanley
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Stella Marie Fichat, Curio Dealer, Box 1042, Nbi.

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