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Name: NORMAND, John Murray

Birth Date: 18 July 1918 Poona, India
Death Date: 7 Feb 2002 Tobermory, Argyll
First Date: 1937
Profession: District Officer, Administration
Married: In Edinburgh 2 Apr 1947 Helen Agnes Elizabeth Sykes b. 7 Nov 1922 Srinagar, India, d. 14 June 2007 Erskine, Renfrewshire
Children: Peter Francis (18 Jan 1955 Nairobi-29 Nov 2002 Tobermory); Rona Margaret Elizabeth (1948); Hugh Alexander (1951); one other
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Colonial, O&C, Staff 53, Foster
School: Edin. Academy, St. Andrews Univ. and Balliol Coll. Oxford 1937-39 and 1945-47
General Information:
Staff 53 - DO seconded as an Admin Officer in Malaya from 23-1-1952, appointed Admin Cadet 7-2-1948
Foster - 1949 DO Kisii, 1951 DC Kisii
Colonial - DO Kenya 1948; Asst. Sec. 1958
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 755).