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Name: CLARKE, Samuel
Death Date: March 1931 on business in N. Rhodesia
Nationality: S. African
First Date: 1905
Profession: A very early settler at Nakuru and a popular figure in the town for many years
Area: Nakuru, 1925 Box 645, Nairobi, Falls Estate, Karen
Married: Sarah Agnes Gillespie b. 26 Aug 1878 Eglish, Co. Armagh, d. 24 Sep 1938 Nairobi (Forest Rd. Cem.)
Book Reference: Hut, Playne, Drumkey, AJ, Red Book 1912, Elephant Stone, Playne, Land, Gazette, North, Medals, Leader14, Rift Valley, Red Book 1912, Gillett, Red 25, Hut, Advertiser
General Information:
Playne - Falls Estate - The possibilities of ostrich farming in BEA have been put to a practical test by Mr S. Clarke on the Falls Estate, of 5000 acres, situated about 6 miles from Nairobi. On this farm, which is fenced and has a frontage of 4 miles to 2 rivers, there were, in Feb. 1909, 108 ostriches, 18 of which were 2 years old, and the balance about 6 months old. These birds, from the Athi River plains, were all thriving. Mr Clarke, who pins his faith to ostriches, uses incubators, which he finds to be most successful, and when the older birds begin to mate, fences them in in camps. ....... [more]
Playne - Group photograph of the Colonists' Association of British East Africa (S. Clarke) ? Drumkey 1909 - Committee Member, The Colonists' Association of BEA - S. Clarke
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - S. Clark [sic], The Falls Estate, Nairobi - Nairobi A2C
Red Book 1912 - S. Clarke - Nairobi
Advertiser - 23/10/1908 - mention of Mr S. Clark - ostrich farm out on the plain 6 miles from Nairobi
Elephant Stone - 'Tom Deacon, an Australian, and Sam Clarke, a South African, sold a baby rhino to Mr Selly of Hagenbecks for £500. But the baby rhino had a bullet wound which they hid. They were paid and cashed the cheque, but the rhino died. Tom and Sam each had farms of 5,000 acres, and they obtained the rights to Lake Magadi, because it was cheap. Yet once possessed it they did not know what to do with it, and there came a day when they offered it to me for £5, and I smiled and said I did not want it thank you. That it would be today the million pound property of a great chemical company they could not have guessed at that time. Nor did I, else I would not be smiling now as I recall that I in turn could have owned it for a mere hundred shillings.
Land - 1912 - S. Clarke - Grazing and agriculture, 3650 acres - Londiani - 2/9/11 - Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/9/11 - Registered 29/1/12
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Solai - S. Clarke (British), Settler
North - S. Clarke - arr. Mombasa from Johannesburg with wife July/Aug 1905; Firearm registered at Mombasa on way to Nairobi 14-8-1905
Medals - East Africa Veterinary Corps - Samuel Clarke, Corporal ?
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 26 Nov 1914 - S. Clarke ?
Red Book 1912 - Committee Member - Nairobi Colonists' Association - S. Clarke
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - Samuel Clarke - Gentleman, Ainsworth Bridge