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Name: TREFUSIS, Walter Rodolph

Death Date: 10.3.1900 Kenya, dysentery

First Date: 1895

Last Date: 1900

Profession: Worked for firm of Smith Mackenzie

Area: Kikuyu

Book Reference: Austin, North, Curtis, Nicholls

General Information:

North - Fort Smith Jan 1897; partner in coffee plantation in Busoga with P.W. Dowse c. 1899; d. Feb 1900
Curtis - p. 37 - Life at Fort Smith - '....... [1896 letter from Francis Hall to his father]] .. Martin and his wife came up and stayed here about 12 days. I gave them my quarters and we had a very jolly time. She is Portuguese but very nice; and plays, and sings in several languages, and as old Dugmore (in charge of the troops) has the American organ (that I brought out for him) up here, we had some musical evenings, Russell on the 1st whistle, Lane banjo and Mrs M. on the organ, while I occasionally had to warble as my share, and another fellow here, Trefusis, plays the autoharp very well. By-the-bye I shall be mentioning names you don't know, so I must tell you that two Mombasa firms have agents up here, living about 1000 yards from the Fort. Trefusis, a very good sort who has travelled the world, is one, and a man named Walsh with his wife for the other. Then we have one coffee planter, Kitchen, and Dr. Wallace's party just coming. Mr Wallace (brother) and his wife arrived about 10 days ago and Dr Boedecker and wife, and a Mr McQueen and wife are to arrive tomorrow. We shall then have 10 Europeans resident in Kikuyu.
Nicholls - On 11 March 1896 Walter Trefusis, Smith Mackenzie's agent, arrived at Fort Smith and fixed on a piece of land off the road below Kinanjui's village, as a place to erect a store. It was to be run by Mr & Mrs John Walshe [sic]
Austin - Smith Mackenzie's agent at Kikuyu in 1897.
North - Smith, Mackenzie & Co. agent in Kikuyu, running depot at Fort Smith by Dec 1895; Muari 31/5/1896; based Machakos Sept. 1896; left Smith Mackenzie & Co to do transport work for Railway
[Is this Hon. Walter Rodolph Trefusis? - but he seems too old and died in 1885]
At time of daughter's birth he was a Colonel in the Scots Guards

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