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Name: ORCHARDSON, Ian Quiller

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Nee: bro of Gordon Quiller Orchardson

Birth Date: 14 Jan 1883 London

Death Date: 30 Mar 1956 Brisbane, Australia

First Date: 1912

Profession: Farmer

Area: Lumbwa, 1917 Karabwet Estate Kericho

Married: 1. In Chorlton, Lancs. 1904 Emma Louise Hummel b. 1883 Clapton, London, d. 24 Sep 1947 Nairobi; 2. Kipsigis woman

Children: 1. James Arthur (29 June 1904 Manchester-31 Mar 1971 Chard) 2. Ian Orchardson Jnr.

Author: Kipsigis Grammar

Book Reference: Markham, KAD, Red 25, Red 22, Red 19, HBEA, Cara, Red 31, Hut, Land, Gazette, Red Book 1912

School: Univ of London

General Information:

Markham - In 1907, when his wife went to live with Charles Clutterbuck he stayed at Kericho. He took a Kipsigis wife. 
KAD 1922 - Executive Committee Member, Kericho Farmers' Association
Hut - In 1912 J.Q. Orchardson farmed Ogea and in 1919 Ian Orchardson was on Karabwet Estate.
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Ian Quiller Orchardson - Farmer - Kericho
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Lumbwa - I.Q. Orchardson
Red Book 1919 - Coffee Planters' Union of BEA, Nairobi - Hon. Secretary - Kericho - I.Q. Orchardson
Red Book 1919 - Nyanza Farmers' and Planters' Association, Songhor - Committee - Capt. Orchardson, Kericho
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Nyanza Voters List
Cara - 1914 - at Longido, a settler neighbour of mine - one Orchardson - carried his maxim-gun weighing 70 lb. on his back for 5 miles to save it falling into the hands of the Germans. 
Land - 1912 - J. Orchardson - Agriculture, 640 acres - Lumbwa - 2/11/10 - Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/1/11 - With a clause to freehold portion of 640 acres, after due development required - Registered 27/2/12
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Lumbwa - J.Q. Orchardson, Kericho 
Hut - In 1912 J.Q. Orchardson farmed Ogea and in 1919 Ian Orchardson was on Karabwet Estate.
Red Book 1912 - J.Q. Orchardson - Kericho
Gazette - 23/1/1918 - Registration of Brands - J.R. Orchardson, Kericho, Lumbwa - Brand T9K - 18 Oct 1917

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