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Name: ELLIOT-MURRAY-KYNYNMOUND, John Augustus Gilbert (Lieut.)
Nee: grandson of 3rd Earl of Minto
Birth Date: 26.1.1881 Gibraltar
Death Date: 3.6.1938 Boughaugh, Hawick, Roxburghshire
First Date: 1909
Profession: Appointed to the Provincial Administration Service EAP, he served as Assistant DC and subsequently as DC in many of the provinces
Area: Ngong, 1925 Rumuruti
Married: 5 Jan 1921 Ann Barbara Berkley-Matthews b. 1895 Lumley, Durham, d. 16 Jan 1970 Roxburghshire
Children: John Martin (16 June 1922 Ngong-6 Apr 1945 killed in action, Netherlands)
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Burke, Dominion, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Gazette, Red 19
War Service: Lt. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Boer War with CIV and Royal Scots Fus. (severely wounded, medal and 5 clasps)
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