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Name: ELTON, James Frederic
Birth Date: 3 Aug 1840 Lucknow, India
Death Date: 19 Dec 1877 Usekhe, Ugogo, on way home from S. Highlands of Tanganyika
First Date: 1873
Last Date: 1877
Profession: African explorer. In 1868 he went to S. Africa and in 1873 was appointed Vice-Consul at Zanzibar, two years later becoming British Consul Mozambique
Area: Zanzibar
Married: No
Author: Travels and Researches among the Lakes and Mountains of Eastern and Central Africa, 1879
Book Reference: Gillett
War Service: Fought in the Indian Mutiny in 1860, then served in China, later with the French Army in Mexico
General Information:
He died in 1877 while on his way home from the Southern Highlands of Tanganyika where he had done some important exploration work.
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Buried 2 miles from his last camp under a baobab tree