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Name: BRUCE, Charles Maurice Dundas (Capt.)
Birth Date: 4 June 1869 Mauritius, where his father Sir Charles Bruce of Arnott was Governor
Death Date: 22 Apr 1903 Somaliland
First Date: 1903
Profession: Col. Gough's Staff Officer
Book Reference: Moyse
War Service: RFA
School: Harrow
General Information:
Fell, shot through the body at the battle of Daratoleh 22/4/1903, campaign against the Mad Mullah
Web: Captain Bruce was shot as he commanded the rearguard and lay wounded on the ground, unable to move. Three of his fellow officers rushed to save him from being finished off by the enemy, with one of them, Captain George Rolland, who was a contemporary of Bruce’s at Harrow, later describing how they were retreating through the bush when Bruce was shot through the body by a Dervish who had crept up close through the long grass, the bullet passing through from the right side to the left. Bruce weighed fourteen stone, too much for Rolland to carry, but help came in the form of captain William Walker and Major Gough. With accompanying troops providing covering fire the three of them loaded Bruce onto a camel, but he was shot again, this time fatally.