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Name: SHARP, Albert Gerald Gavin (Lieut.-Col.)
Birth Date: 6.9.1869 Shahjehanpore, India
Death Date: 5.3.1924 Grand Hotel Cosmopolite, Brussels
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Last Date: 1904
Profession: Military
Area: Kismayu June 1899, Jan 1900, Nairobi
Married: In Buckfastleigh 1915 Enid Dorothy Wilcox bapt. 10 Dec 1886 Charlbury
Children: John Humphrey Gerald (1918 Chipping Sodbury-1990)
Book Reference: Moyse, North, EA Diary 1902, Web
War Service: Leinster Regt./ 3 KAR
General Information:
North - Appt. Capt. EA Rifles 6/2/1899; resident at Kismayu June 1899, Jan 1900; Joint honorary secretary of Nairobi Races Nov 1900; requesting permission to join troops in SA while on leave, Cape Town 21/3/1901; Somaliland 1901-3
EA Diary 1902 - Captain - The East Africa Rifles - 1901
Web DNW - In May 1899, Sharp was transferred to the British East Africa Protectorate [from Central Africa Prot.], and saw regular action in Somaliland between 1901-04. He was mentioned in despatches for the 1901 operations by Lt.-Col. E.J.E. Swayne, CO of the Somali Levy. ……. "I desire to bring to your notice Captain A.G.G. Sharp, East African Regimant, who joined the expedition in time to take part in the march to, and action at, Fardiddin. On the death of Captain Friederichs, RE, Captain Sharp was appointed Adjutant. I consider him a thoroughly capable officer, methodical, and understanding of how to deal with natives. From the commencement he earned their liking and respect. ……….' [more on his military career in East Africa] Sharp ended his African sojourn in Dec 1904, when he was placed on half-pay. [service in WW1 led to him retiring as Lieut.-Col.]
Moyse - EA Rifles 1895-1901 - commanding Ukamba garrison 1898. Commanding 6 KAR - Campaign against the Mad Mullah - wounded at the battle of Daratoleh 22/4/1903