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Name: TODD, John Ross
Birth Date: 12 July 1867 Glasgow
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Profession: Feb 1893 - Acting Superintendent at Kismayu - wounded in the head at a baraza.
Area: Kismayu, Mombasa, Wasin
Book Reference: Moyse, Lillibullero, EAHB 1905, North, IBEA, Kiewiet, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904
General Information:
IBEA Co. - Nominal List of British Born Subjects resident in IBEA Territories within the Sultan's Domain, 30 April 1891 - J. Ross Todd, Scotland, Office Mombasa
Kiewiet - 1893 - Kismayu - Trouble - Ross Todd, the Acting Superintendent reported that he and his assistant Farrant were "little better than prisoners in the Company's house". …….. Scuffle and Todd stabbed in the head and he called for punitive action. ….. Mr Hamilton was sent to Turki Hill, 8 miles up the river from Kismayu, to build a fort.
IBEA - General Africa Staff - Appointed 22nd November 1890
North - Company appt. 22/11/1890; 'Nominal List of British Subjects in IBEA Territories ….. Office, Mombasa' (ZA0 30/4/1891
EAHB 1905 - IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 1890.
North - IBEA Co. Asst. Dist. Supt. Kismayu July 1892; Acting. Dist. Supt. Kismayu 9/2/1893; Mombasa, Wasin