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Name: FISHBOURNE, Charles Eustace (Lieut.)
Birth Date: 15.1.1885 Forden, Montgomeryshire
Death Date: 10.6.1915 Beaconsfield, spotted fever contracted at Chatham
First Date: 1907
Profession: Railway surveyor. 1907 operating in Turkana
Married: In Llanbedr 8 June 1911 Mary Elizabeth Holland b. 14 Apr 1886 Wallasey, d. 30 June 1957 Cirencester
Children: Patrick Alexander (10 Feb 1913 Fulham-1980 Bangor); Charles Michael Eustace (2 Nov 1915-1995 Surrey)
Book Reference: Moyse, North
War Service: RE
School: Malvern Coll.
General Information:
Royal Engineers - employed on railway survey in EAP and Uganda 30.5.1907
Ruvigny's Roll of Honour, Ancestry