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Name: WILKINSON, John Shann DSO, MC (Lieut.-Col.)

Birth Date: 30 Sep 1884 Upholland, Lancs.

Death Date: 27 Feb 1977 Christchurch, New Zealand

First Date: 1913

Profession: 1913 at Lokuta as part of Northern Garrison

Married: 1. In Tasmania 1918 Gwendoline Mary Brooke Bailey b. 23 Mar 1887 Richmond, Tasmania, d. 3 Aug 1962 Surrey; 2. In Wensleydale, Yorks. 1965 Kathryn Hutton Lane b. 1899 New Zealand

Book Reference: Moyse, Debrett, DSO

War Service: Notts & Derby Regt. European War 1914-18 in EA (despatches, DSO, MC)

General Information:

Debrett - Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Sherwood Foresters and a DAQMG at War Office; E. Africa 1913 (medal with clasp), Somaliland 1920 (despatches, Brevet Lieut.-Col.) Brigadier John Shann Wilkinson was born in Lancashire, England, on the 30th of September 1884. He served with the Australian local Forces, where he was appointed 2nd Lieutenant. He joined The Sherwood Foresters on the 7th of February 1906 and was promoted to Lieutenant the following year. 
John was with the Kings African Rifles on the 21st of July 1912 and landed in East Africa in August 1914. He was the Commanding officer of the 4th Kings African Rifles and then the 6th Kings African Rifles. John was awarded a DSO whilst as a Lieutenant attached with the 2nd Battalion to the Kings African Rifles which was reported in the London Gazette on the 1st of February 1917. He was later awarded a Military Cross, as a Captain Temporary Lieutenant Colonel, published in the London Gazette of the 27th of July 1918 for: ‘distinguished service in connection with military operations in East Africa’. John was also in Dispatches twice whilst part of Somaliland 1920 campaign, he reverted to his British unit, the Sherwood Foresters, not long after. 
John was Commanding officer of the 1st Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters from February 1921 until January 1922. He became Staff Captain in 1922 and went to Camberley Staff College for two years. Then Staff Captain (battalion training Lieutenant Colonel) at Aldershot Command on the 21st of January 1924 to March 1925. He was Brevet Lieutenant Colonel in 1924. Deputy assistant Quarter Master General at the War Office, 1st June 1925 to 1928.
John was then back with The Sherwood Foresters 1st battalion as Company Commander. Then, he was General Staff Officer 2nd class at Staff college on the 21st of January 1919. 
He then became Second in command of the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters in 1932, followed by Lieutenant Colonel of the 2nd Battalion in 1933. John later became Colonel in 1934. 
Later the same year, John became Assistant Quarter Master General at the War Office, where he was for two years. He had Detachment Duty Movements & Quartering as a Temporary Brigadier from 1936 to 1938, at which point he retired as an Honorary Brigadier.
John re-joined for service on the 3rd of September 1939 and became Brigadier at the Intelligence Corps Aldershot Command. He remained in this position until February 1941. John retired from the Army in August 1942 and served with the Army Cadet Force in the East Riding until 1946. He died in Christchurch, New Zealand on the 2nd of March 1977. 

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