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Name: McALLISTER, Howard Martyn

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Nee: brother of Robert John Dudley Macallister

Birth Date: 15.11.1873 Plumstead, Kent

Death Date: 5.1.1952 Dorset

Nationality: British

First Date: 1898

Last Date: 1903

Profession: Collector

Area: Naivasha

Married: 1. In London 1903 Dorothy Christian Long b. 1878 Eastbourne, d. 1951 Bodmin; 2. In Bridport 1931 Georgina Mary Taylor b. 31 July 1911, d. 2004 Dorset

Children: Howard Cecil (11 Sep 1911 Wycombe, Bucks.-29 June 1944 Basse-Normande, France, on active service); Dorothy W.C. (28 Oct 1914 Uckfield-1994); another

Book Reference: Kenya Diary, Carnelley map, EAHB 1905, North, EAS, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904

General Information:

North - Appt. 3rd Class Asst. UP; Machakos 4/3/1898; Naivasha 2/2/1899; dep. Ravine on expedn. to Suk country 9/1/1901; appt. 2nd Asst. District Officer 1/4/1901; based at Naivasha 1902; dep. for England 24/1/1903 - Resigned 10/3/1903
EAS - 15/1/1903 - Mr H.M. McAllister [sic] D.O. Kikuyu is at the coast
EAS - 22/1/1903 - Mr H. MacAllister, late DO at Kikuyu, proceeds to Europe by the German mail of the 19th and I hear he does not return. This is to be regretted as he was a most popular officer, and was well liked by the settlers.
Kenya Diary - 1902 - DO at Naivasha.
Carnelley map shows Macalister as owning 5,038 acres of land at Naivasha.
EAHB 1905 - Officer of IBEA Co. who served in EA as Collector - resigned from the service
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife Georgina in Sherborne

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