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Name: MANN, Harold Edward (Dr.)
Birth Date: 1867 Milford, Haverfordwest
Death Date: 13 May 1904 Kisumu, blackwater fever
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Last Date: 1904
Profession: Medical doctor
Area: Kismayu, Machakos, Nairobi, Naivasha
Book Reference: Kenya Diary, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, EA Diary 1903, Carman, EAHB 1906, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, North
School: Elizabeth College, Guernsey; Wellington College, St. George's Hospital
General Information:
Kenya Diary - Nov. 1902 - in medical charge at Naivasha. ........ Mann is a curious little man with one eye. He is quiet and full of humour; I like him.
EAHB 1905 - Medical Officer
Kenya Diary - I heard an amusing story from Mann. 3 years ago [1899] he was serving in Jubaland with Jenner the Civil Officer, who was afterwards murdered by the Somali, and the soldier was St. John Wake. Now Jenner had a complete set of false teeth, Wake had a wooden leg, and Mann has but one eye. They were all three presiding at a big and important meeting at Kismayu on a particularly hot day. The proceedings got tedious so Jenner, feeling uncomfortable about the mouth, removed his teeth and placed them with a rattle on the table. The Somalis stared but said not a word. Soon afterwards Wake unscrewed his wooden leg and laid it beside Jenner's teeth on the table. As time went on, Mann found his false eye causing him discomfort, and removed it, tossed it in the air and put it in his pocket. This was too much for the savage Somalis, who rose to a man and fled from the white men who could thus play about with their teeth, legs and eyes. .…
14th May 1904 - News came from Kisumu today that Dr Mann had died of blackwater fever. The medical officer's house at Kisumu was a broken-down shanty and not fit for a pig.
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa
North - Appt. Med. Officer EAP, Sept 1895; Dep. Zanzibar for Kismayu 11/1/1896; Mombasa Oct. 1897; Game Licence issued 11/4/1899; In Jubaland 1899; Medical Officer Machakos Dec 1899; transferred to Nairobi April 1900; dep. for Kismayu 1/12/1900 for Ogaden Punitive Force; home leave 1901; Naivasha 24/11/1902 - "... a curious little man with one eye. He is quiet and full of humour" (Meinertzhagen)
Carman - The first Principal Medical Officer to the East African Protectorate was Dr. Macdonald with Dr. B.L. Hinde and Dr. Mann under him.
North - 'Quite unobstrusive but a thoroughly sound and capable physician' (FO 2)
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as Doctor
EA Diary 1903 - Asst. Medical Registrar, St. Georges Hospital; Asst. Medical Officer, Metropolitan Asylums Board; Medical Officer, EA Protectorate Oct 1895; Mazrui rebellion medal 1896
Mombasa Cathedral plaque: this tablet is erected / to the memory of / Dr Harold Edward Mann / who died at Kisumu / on May 13th 1904 / by his friends and / brother officers in / East Africa and Uganda