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Name: BROWN, William Monteith (Dr.)

Birth Date: 1900 Stirling Scotland

Death Date: 1968 Kenya

First Date: 1925

Profession: Church of Scotland Missionary. Worked at Tumutumu for 32 years and was revered and respected. His wife was also a missionary

Area: Tumutumu, 1925 Kikuyu

Married: 1927 Jessie Catherine MacMaster b. 1898 Scotland, d. 1991 Scotland

Children: Catherine Margaret Jean (Polhill) (11 Dec 1930 Church of Scotland Mission, Kikuyu); John Monteith 'Monty' (17 July 1929 Scotland-15 February 2012 Nairobi)

Book Reference: Empire Museum, Red 31, Hut, Who's Who 63, Burke, Foster

School: Stirling High School; Glasgow University, MB, CHB

General Information:

Who's Who 63 - Medical Practitioner
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List at Karatina

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