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Name: SAVAGE, Patrick Walter

Birth Date: 1879 Newry, Co. Down

Death Date: 4 Sep 1934 Kenya, blackwater fever

First Date: 1913

Profession: Master tailor who got a job with Maxwell Brady in Nairobi. They then tried running their own store in Turbo and founded the Turi Butchery

Area: Nairobi, Turbo, 1922 Nakuru, 1925 Kibigori, 1922 Njoro

Married: In Northampton 1904 Emma Gertrude Skempton b. 1873 Northampton, d. 1963 Mombasa

Children: Cecily Gertrude (Gray) (22 Feb 1909 Lymm, Cheshire-1986); Philip Walter (1906 Bucklow, Cheshire-10 Dec 1924 Kisumu)

Book Reference: EAWL, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Medals

War Service: EA Pioneer Co.

General Information:

A master tailor who got a job with Maxwell Brady in Nairobi. They then tried running their own store in Turbo and founded the Turi Butchery. Later they took up farming but got land miles from anywhere and they had a really tough time. Their home was little more than a mud and wattle banda and with repeated disasters to the farm they had a struggle to survive. Things like shoes for the children were a luxury they could not afford for years. It was too far to get to a school but Mrs Savage had been a school teacher so taught the children herself. The son got blackwater fever when he was 18 and they had a nightmare journey by ox cart to a hospital where he received very little care and died.  Source: Mrs Ingrid Gray
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - P.W. Savage, Parklands
Medals - EA Pioneer Company - Patrick W. Savage, EA Unattached List, No. 11578, Pioneer
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Patrick Walter Savage - Settler - Kisumu
Gazette 21 Aug 1934 probate

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