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Name: SHAW, Dacre Ashe
Nee: son of Henry Ryle Shaw and Frances Anne Ryle Ashe Shaw, bro of M.H. 'Madge' Ryle Shaw, uncle of Mervyn Carnelley
Birth Date: 15 June 1878 Estcourt, Natal, S. Africa
Death Date: 29 Sep 1950 Nairobi
Last Date: 1950
Profession: Solicitor
Area: Naivasha, Box 481, Nairobi, 1922 Ruiru
Married: In Durban 10 Sep 1919 Audrey Trevelyan Dale b. 29 Jan 1891 Perranuthnoe, Cornwall
Book Reference: Mrs Mary Hoey, Vulture, Red 31, Barnes, Carnelley, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Wolseley
School: Maritzburg College, Pietermaritzburg
General Information:
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Dacre Ashe Shaw, British, age 72, died 29/9/50 AND his mother Frances Anne Ryle Ashe Shaw 9 Oct 1853-20 Oct 1935, of Mukuyu Estate, Ruiru. Inscription: Frances Anne Ryle Shaw / of Mukuyu Estate Ruiru / & Muthaiga / born 9 Oct 1855 / died 20 Oct 1935 / blessed are the pure in heart AND M H Ryle Shaw / "Madge" / born 8th March 1882 / died 4th August 1963 [Madge was killed by Mau Mau] AND his father Henry Ryle Shaw b. 12 Aug 1848, d. 31 Oct 1924
Carnelley - I {Mervyn Carnelley} have a diary belonging to my uncle; Dacre Shaw, which starts in April 1927, in which he says that he motored up to Naivasha in his six cylinder Rugby, ….. And stayed with the Lloyds who used to have a real old settler house, built on legs with a large verandah with hundreds of white turkeys underneath, on the site of the present Geothermal Club, above Elsamere. In the times between, it belonged to Jacko Heath, Jocelyn Beauchamp and Lynn Temple Boreham ………….
The next day, Dacre, with the aid of 6 oxen, launched his large boat; Cinderella. …… Dacre went across to Lol Lerai, where, later, the Bruce Smiths, and currently the Bartons live and with young Hugh Lloyd and my father, started work on the weatherboard "Camp" where we lived whenever we came to the lake. This was moved when Dacre and his sister Madge had completed the main house, to Hippo Point and we lived there until the main Hippo Point house was completed in 1932.
Whilst at the Lloyds and transporting concrete blocks from there to Lol Lerai, Dacre shot a leopard that had been taking the Lloyd dogs. Dacre only ever used Lol Lerai as a weekend and holiday home as he continued to work at his legal office, Dacre A. Shaw and Buckley over the Theatre Royal, adjoining the Torr's Hotel. He nearly always came up to Naivasha with my grandmother Frances and sister Madge.
Gazette 5/4/2938 - Honorary Game Warden
Vulture - prominent lawyer and conservationist.
Red 31 has D. Shaw, Makuyu Estate, Ruiru
East Africa & Rhodesia - 2/11/50 - Mr Dacre Ashe Shaw, a well-known Kenya advocate, has died in Nairobi. After serving in the South African War he attended a South African University and first visited Kenya in 1915 on his way to England. Returning to the Colony in 1922, he founded the firm now known as Dacre Shaw, Buckley and Hollister, from which he retired only recently. He owned a coffee farm, was a director of Messrs Gilfillan & Co. Ltd., and a trustee of the Kenya Fly Fishers Club.
Hut has Dacre A. Shaw 1922 Makuyu married to Madge [CN - she was his sister]
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Dacre Ashe Shaw, Advocate, ^th Ave., Nbi
Gazette 1 Sep 1936 he wants probate for Frances Anne Shaw who d. Nairobi 20 Oct 1935 [?his mother, or another sister]
He had 2 sisters - Madge and Ivy. Ivy married Stephen Carnelley.