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Name: MAXWELL, Marcuswell (Lieut.-Col. RE)
Nee: nephew of Lucie McMillan, son of Lucie's elder sister Annie
Birth Date: 6 Oct 1890 Paris
Death Date: 21 Apr 1938 Nairobi
First Date: 1919
Profession: Engineer and Estates Manager. Director of EA Power & Lighting Co. in 1934. Wildlife photographer
Area: Mtoni, McMillan Estates, Nairobi. Hut - 1930 Nanga Mitubiri
Married: In Fleet 1 May 1916 Margaret Dorothy Pughe b. 22 July 1890 Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, d. 1937 Bucklow, Cheshire
Children: Clyde Fairbanks Peter (1 Dec 1917 Paddington-1983)
Book Reference: Today, Breath, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Macmillan, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, All Saints, Chandler
War Service: RE
School: Armidale School, Australia, BE, Sydney University, AMAIEE
General Information:
Macmillan - 1930 - The general Manager of the McMillan Estates is Lieut.-Col. M. Maxwell.
EA & Rhodesia - 30/10/58 - buried on Ol Donyo Sabuk with Sir Northrup and Lady McMillan and Louise Decker
Chandler - Born in France and raised in Australia, Marcuswell Maxwell was an engineer who came to East Africa in 1919. Maxwell, who was interested in photography, was one of the first to realise that many wild animals could be approached very closely by the use of an automobile since they seemed not to associate the vehicle with human beings. By using this method, Maxwell was able to produce a series of superb photos of lions and elephants ……… Maxwell visited the United States aboard the SS Olympic in 1913. The ship docked at Ellis Island, New York, on 1 October, and the passenger manifest still exists. The entry for Maxwell indicates that he was 23 years old, a student, was 5 feet 10 inches tall, and had a fair complexion, brown hair and blue eyes. The form stated that the purpose of his trip was to visit his father in Schenectady, New York. His father was given as W. Maxwell of Boston. The form also stated that he had previously entered the country in 1901 and had visited Massachusetts. At the time of his 1913 entry he was a resident of Australia ………… Maxwell was an honorary lieutenant colonel of the Royal Engineers and was married to Margaret Dorothy Pughe. He died on 21 April 1938. He is frequently confused with Marius Maxwell.
Gazette 5/4/1938 - Honorary Game Warden
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, REAAA (and Red 25).
Red 25 - Lt.-Col. M. Maxwell, Box 213, Nairobi
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Colonel Marcuswell Maxwell, Estate Manager, Mtoni, Box 213, Nbi and Mrs Margaret Maxwell, married woman, Riverdale
His son Peter inherited the McMillan properties on Lucie McMillan's death.
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