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Name: COLLINSON, Hugh Milner (Lieut.-Col.)
Nee: son of John Henry Collinson (schoolmaster)
Birth Date: 6 Oct 1903 Wentworth, Ontario
Death Date: 3 May 1967 Langata (Hut - murdered)
Profession: Owned large ranch 80 miles from Nakuru on the far side of Rumuruti, Lower Narok. Later did Gilbert Colvile's books for him
Area: Ol Mysor, Rumuruti
Married: At Laikipia Gymkhana Club, Rumuruti 29 Aug 1935 Mary Hamilton Adams b. 19.12.1914 Nairobi, d. 16.2.2011 Brighton (dau of Charles Harold Adams 1884-1958) (later married William Henry Hoey 1887-1960)
Book Reference: Hoey, Dusty, Red 31, Hut, Wed
General Information:
Hoey - Hugh had been encouraged to come to Kenya by an uncle who had a farm at Nyeri. Hugh had been brought up mainly in Canada. He was a trained engineer and first class ice hockey player.. In 1936 he took on the job of working on estate books for Gilbert Colvile and so became more and more involved in affairs of Colvile Estates. Hugh spoke Masai well, Gilbert better.
Dusty - ........ on the Ranch Managing Board [at Isiolo in the 50's]
Red 31 has H.M. Collinson, Nyeri,
Hut the same. Hut - KNFU President
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List
Gazette 18 Aug 1967 probate