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Name: FARRANT, Robert George (Capt.)
Birth Date: 7 Nov 1867 Cawnpore, W. Bengal
Death Date: 18.12.1917 Voi, blackwater fever
Nationality: British
First Date: 1891
Profession: Joined the IBEA Co. in 1891, was a Collector in 1895, and DC in 1911. At one time he was stationed in Jubaland.
Area: HBEA 1912 ADC, EAHB 1905 - Collector, Shimoni, 1914-15 Kisumu
Married: In Dehra, Bengal 6 Feb 1899 Marie Fredoline Ives b. 25 July 1876 India, d. 14 Apr 1954 London
Children: dau.
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Moyse, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, CWGC, IBEA, Kiewiet, EAHB 1906, Gazette, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912
School: Bishop Cotton College, Simla, Punjab
General Information:
SE - R.G. Farrant - May 1908
EAHB 1905 - IBEA Co. Feb. 1891 to June 1895; Collector, EAP, July 1895; Acting Sub-Commissioner, Jubaland, May 1899 to June 1900; Ashanti Medal, Clasp, Juba River, 1893; East and Central Africa Medal Clasp, 1898.
North - IBEA Co. - Asst. Supt. at Kismayu 10/3/1893; Appt. direct to EAP 1/7/1895 Asst. DO Kismayu; Luba's during Sudanese mutiny Nov 1897; Acting Sub-Commissioner & Vice-Consul Kismayu with wife Sept 1899: Appt. District Officer Wasin Sept 1901, Vanga Dist. May 1902; Shimoni; Issued with Public Officer's Game Licence 7/9/1903, Mombasa Drumkey 1909 - ADC Ukamba, Kiambu
CWGC - Voi Cemetery - Captain Robert George Farrant, Military Labour Corps. Died of sickness 18th December 1917. Age 49. Son of Maj. Edwin Farrant; husband of Marie Farrant, of 60 Fordwych Rd., Brondesbury, London. Served in the Juba River Expedition, 1893, also in the British East and Central Africa Expedition 1894-98. Grave III.C.2
IBEA Co. - Nominal List of British Born Subjects resident in IBEA Territories within the Sultan's Domain, 30 April 1891 - R.G. Farrant, Clerk Customs
Kiewiet - 1893 - Kismayu - Trouble - Ross Todd, the Acting Superintendent reported that he and his assistant Farrant were "little better than prisoners in the Company's house". …….. Scuffle and Todd stabbed in the head and he called for punitive action. ….. Mr Hamilton was sent to Turki Hill, 8 miles up the river from Kismayu, to build a fort.
IBEA - General Africa Staff - Appointed 9th February 1891
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - EA Transport Corps (Carrier Section) - To be Lieutenant and Military Carrier Depot Officer at Kisumu - Mr Robert George Farrant
Gazette - 1/1/1901 - Birth - November 18th at Saharanpur, the wife of R.G. Farrant, of a daughter.
North - To be at once dispensed with' (Mackinnon Papers), 17-6-1892
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as District Officer
EA Diary 1903 - Imperial British East Africa Company Feb 1891 to June 1895; Collector EA Protectorate July 1895; Ashanti Medal; Clasp, Juba River 1893; East and Central Africa Medal Clasp 1898
Red Book 1912 - R.G. Farrant - Kisumu - Ukamba Province - Asst. DC at Nairobi
Moyse - Aug. 1893 - Acting Administrator at Kismayu