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Name: WALLER (Miss)
First Date: 1931
Profession: Headmistress of Limuru Girls School 1931-1939. Had been teaching at a school in Nablus in Palestine. An ardent missionary. Took over from Mary Roseveare in 1931 and handed over to Joyce Williams
Book Reference: Verandah, Pat Goldsmith, Limuru
General Information:
Limuru - letter from June Harrap (née Hambridge) at Limuru 1936-39 - .......Another memory: every term we could bring back several books that were vetted by Miss Waler when she was head. I brought back 'Gone With the Wind' which was just out. Miss Waller, tall, thin, grave, devout and immensely admirable, called me to her office. She said that she would pass this book because she trusted that I would be responsible and careful about whom I would allow to read it.