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Name: TOST, Emil Reinhold
Death Date: 29 Sep 1913 Berlin
Nationality: German
First Date: 1890
Profession: Cotton plantation owner at Kipini in 1893 - Previously he had resided at Wange, north of Lamu, where he had planted tobacco, but his plantation was destroyed during the local troubles. He had a German assistant.
Area: Wange, Witu, Lamu, Kipini, EAHB 1906 Tana River
Married: Olga Ottilie Clementine, Countess Schenk von Geyern
Children: Olive Elinore Maria Ruth (13.2.1907 Kipini); Adelbert Eborhard Georg (3.11.1908 Kipini)
Book Reference: Fitzgerald, North, Drumkey, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Ylvisaker
General Information:
North - On Witu coast July 1893; arr. Zanzibar from Europe with wife 27/1/1899; planter at Kipini Nov. 1903; at Witu 7/9/1905; 1906 Tana River
Drumkey 1909 - Builders' Materials, Importer & Exporter - Lamu
Advertiser - 25/9/1908 - Cotton - Messrs Tost, Watcham & Rayne have ….. Large areas looking splendid.
EAHB 1904 - Residents Tanaland - Tost - Kipini
Ylvisaker - The East Africa Cotton Syndicate at the mouth of the Tana began in 1905 to plant 40 acres of cotton and a number of rubber trees. A Mr Rayne planted 40,000 rubber trees near Witu, and Herr Tost at Kipini planted rubber trees along with other crops.