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Name: MORTIMER, Thomas Dominic (Inspector)

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Photo Source: Bob Barnes in FindaGrave

Birth Date: 1920 probably S. Africa

Death Date: 20 December 1947 murdered by Africans at Gatundu in the Kikuyu Reserve, 10 miles from Nairobi

Profession: Members of the Dini ya Jesu Kristo murdered a British police Inspector, Inspector Mortimer, and 2 askaris

Book Reference: Ione, Stoneham - Mau

General Information:

Stoneham - Mau - Dini ya Jesu Kristo - Asst. Inspector Mortimer killed ..... the sergeant, who escaped, said he saw Mortimer with his back to the wall of a hut, firing at men who attacked him. He saw him struck on the head with a simi, and then he beat a retreat, loading his rifle as he ran.
Not in 1946 Blue Book - no Mortimers listed with the Police
Kenya Police Review A disturbance occurred in the Kikuyu Reserve near Gatundu during December 1947. Assistant Inspector T.D. Mortimer and a party of African police proceeded to investigate. They were set upon by a number of Dini ya Jesu Kristo fanatics armed with simis and other weapons, and the unfortunate inspector and two African policemen were overpowered and killed; others were wounded, but managed to escape, one by feigning death. The members of the Dini then fled into the bush and were pursued; a number of them were arrested and six of them, including the leader, were sentenced to death. This was the tragic end to the career of a promising young inspector who had not long before come to this country from South Africa.
Daily Mirror Wed 24 Dec 1947 Africans, dressed in goat skin regalia, were reported to have ambushed Mortimer and police companions, and attacked them with spears. Their women folk beat Mortimer to death.
Evening Standard 23 Dec 1947 African womenfolk were alleged to have bound Mortimer and beaten him to death, afterwards mutilating his body.
Toronto Star 24 Dec 1947 The attack was reported to have been staged last week in reprisal for police interference with a native religious ceremony.
FindaGrave Thomas Dominic Mortimer, Male, Birth Date 1920 Death Date 20 Dec 1947 City Park Cemetery Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

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