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Name: DUNN, James William
Birth Date: 1860 Bedlington
Death Date: 21.11.1890 Usambiro, south end of lake, fever
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1890
Profession: CMS missionary recruit who went out with Bishop Tucker. Died of fever at Usambiro on the way to the Lake.
Area: Usambiro
Book Reference: Tucker, North, CMS
General Information:
CMS 1890 - Age 30. Of Gateshead. b. at Bedlington, Northumberland. 1887, 1st Cl. Oxf. and Camb. Prelim. Theol. Exam, and May, CM Coll. 1890, June 22, Deacon by Bishop Tucker. 1890, May 10, to E. Eq. Africa - Uganda - Mission. 1890, one of Bishop Tucker's party for the interior; Nov. 21, died at Usambiro.
North - ordained by Bishop Tucker on arr. at Freretown 22/6/1890; member of Tucker's 1890 party for Uganda