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Name: FIRMIN, Frederick John
Nee: Father of Arthur Herbert Firmin
Birth Date: 19.10.1874 Walworth, London
Death Date: 26.2.1943 Tonbridge, Kent
First Date: 1904 - on short visit, returned 1906
Profession: He first arrived on a short visit but returned in 1906 and was an Accountant in Agricultural Department at Naivasha and later in Nairobi. A Pastmaster of Lodge Harmony.
Area: Naivasha, Nairobi,
Married: In Nairobi 6.7.1908 Elizabeth 'Betty' Jane Isherwood b. 1878 Ramsbottom, Lancs., d. 12 July 1957 Nairobi (dau of James William and Better Dearden Isherwood, sister of Jonathan Isherwood)
Children: Arthur Herbert (6 Jan 1912 Nairobi-28 May 1955 Nepal, on Kenya expedition to Himalayas); Frank Roland (Nairobi 27.9.1909-1999 Stockport); Robert William (1922 Southport-2.2.1981 Plymouth)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, Binks, Red 25, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, Barnes, Advertiser, EAHB 5 & 1906, Harmony, North, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Advertiser - 19/6/1908 - Mr Firman robbed in Nairobi - clothes, bedding, cheque book - from compound of the Nairobi and Limoru Saw Mills
EAHB 1905 - J. Firmin - Office of Director of Agriculture
Possibly spelt Firman
Binks - 1905 - in charge of the free distribution of seeds to farmers. In the course of conversation, I remarked that if I had a camera I would take some pictures .... "I'll lend you one" he answered. With the borrowed camera - it was a beauty, a full plate - and a packet of Ilford plates from Dr. Ribeiro's shop, the dark slides loaded in a very dark back-store of Tommy Logg's [Wood's].
Playne - "The typewriter is mightier than the sword." This is the modern version of the old saw, for wherever new countries open up the typewriter follows the pioneer. Mr F.J. Firmin, accountant and typist, Govt. Rd., Nairobi, established his present business in Jan. 1909. Arriving in BEA from South Africa in 1904, he entered the Govt. service, resigned in 1906, and went on a trip to India and the Far East, eventually returning to BEA in 1907. He was employed by Lord Delamere at 'Soysambu' Estate as book-keeper during 1907, and in 1908 by Messrs Lucy and Rayne, timber and milling merchants, Nairobi. Now he undertakes accountancy work and typewriting at moderate rates. Nearly all the letterpress notes for this work, and most of the correspondence in connection therewith (in BEA) was typewritten by Mr Firmin who also assisted the compiler in various other clerical duties. He now acts with Mr Fischat as agent for this publication in Nairobi and district.
Red 22 - F.J. Firmin, PWD, Kampala
Barnes - Master of Lodge Harmony No. 3084 in 1912.
Advertiser - 1/10/1909 - Birth - Mr & Mrs Firmin, a son, 27th inst.
EAHB 1906 - Clerk, Agricultural Dept., Nairobi
Member of Lodge Harmony - Initiated 5/6/05, age 30, Accountant, Nairobi - rejoined 1/2/09
North - Appt. Clerk in the Office of the Director of Agriculture, Nairobi 1-5-1903
Red Book 1912 - F.J. Firmin - Nairobi
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - Frederick John Firmin - Accountant, Salisbury Road Barnes - Founder Member of Lodge Ruiru
Hut has Frederick L. Firmin
Gazette 1 July 1958 wife's probate
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