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Name: BURT, Alice Elizabeth 'Elsie', Mrs
Nee: Wyatt
Birth Date: 11 Sep 1867 Clifton, Bristol
Death Date: 6 Dec 1961 Dorking
First Date: 1893
Profession: Missionary
Area: Jilore, Mombasa
Married: In Frere Town 13.1.1896 Rev. Frederick Burt (1864-1950)
Children: Elsie Mary G. (Bailey) (14 June 1902 Mombasa-1995 Lewes)
Book Reference: Tucker, EAHB 1905, EAS, Hall, North, CMS
General Information:
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa (Miss Wyatt)
North - CMS BEA - probably travelled to EA as maid to Mrs Douglas Hooper; Jilore March 1893; accepted as missionary in Local Connection 12/9/1894; left Jilore during uprising, arr. Freretown 30/6/1895; Mombasa March 1896
CMS 1894 - Of Mildmay. 1893 went to E. Equ. Africa Mission - Jilore - with Mrs Douglas Hooper. 1894, Sept 12 accepted by Frere Town Finance Committee as a Missionary in local connexion
Tucker - CMS Missionary at Jilore, near Malindi in 1893, with Mr & Mrs Douglas Hooper and Mr Burt.
Tucker has a Miss Wyatt at Mamboya, Uganda in 1894 and at Jilore in 1895.
EAHB 1905 - at Mombasa.
Hall - Photo of missionaries at Mombasa 1895, now Mrs Burt