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Name: SEMLER, Charles Henry
Nationality: African
First Date: 1897
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary - at Freretown in Aug. 1894, court Swahili interpreter
Area: Freretown, Mombasa
Book Reference: Tucker, EAHB 1905, EA Diary 1903, North, EAHB 1904
General Information:
North - African - Appt. EAP Feb 1897; Forest Ranger 1902; Firearm registered Mombasa on way to Freretown 22/3/1905
EAHB 1904 - Charles H. Semler - Swahili Interpreter, Town Magistrate's Court, Mombasa
EAHB 1905 has Charles Henry Semler as Swahili Interpreter and Summons Clerk, Town Magistrates Court, Mombasa