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Name: THOMSETT, Mary Susannah, Miss
Birth Date: 1861 Hong Kong
Death Date: 11.12.1920 Southampton
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary - arrived to go to Uganda in July 1895 - a skilled nurse - a travelling missionary in Aut 1895 - to Gayaza in 1896 and started a mixed school there.
Area: Gayaza, Ndeje, Uganda
Book Reference: Tucker, EAHB 1905, Hall, North, Drumkey, BEA, EAHB 1906, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
General Information:
North - Trained Nurse; arr. Mombasa 9/7/1895; Member of first party of ladies to Uganda; arr. Kampala 4/10/1895; Mengo; " Gayaza, in Kyadondo". CMI June 1897; on leave 1900; Ndeje
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Ndeje CMS - 1895 - Age 34. Of Shirley, Southampton. Trained Nurse. born and for some years resident in Hong Kong. 1895 Feb 5 Accepted as Missionary CMS; May 18 Depart for Uganda Mission - Mengo. One of first party of 5 women for Uganda Mission. 1897 Gayaza; 1900 Aug 1 to England; 1901 Dec to Ndeje
EAHB 1905 - at Ndeje.
Hall - Missionaries at Mombasa photo 1895
Church Times 2 June 2016 says she died in Uganda and is buried at Namirembe, but National Probate Calendar says she d. in Southampton