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Name: ROBINSON, Annie Henrietta, Miss
Birth Date: 1860 Delgany, Co. Wicklow
Death Date: 9.2.1911 Dublin
Nationality: British
First Date: 1900
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary
Area: Mengo, Koki, Uganda
Book Reference: Tucker, EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Mbarara
CMS - 1900 - Age 40. Of Delgany, Co. Wicklow. Alexandra College, Dublin. Hon Sec of Ladies' CMS Union for Diocese of Dublin, Glendalough and Kildare. 1899 Nov 21 Accepted as Missionary CMS; 1900 Jan 25 Depart for Uganda Mission - Mengo; 1901 Nov Koki - Rakai; 1904 Nov 13 to England on medical certif. Cousin of Rev W.E. Burroughs, formerly Sec. CMS, and of Miss Burroughs of the CEZMS (Hon.)
Tucker - arrived in Uganda in March 1900 - to Mengo.
EAHB 1905 - at Koki.
North - arr. Mengo 31/3/1900; based Mengo at first; Koki 1901, 10/10/1903; dep. for England on medical certificate 13/11/1904