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Name: BROUGHTON, Vera Edyth, Lady Delves-
Nee: Griffith-Boscawen
Birth Date: 2 Jan 1894 Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales
Death Date: 21 Aug 1968 Bognor Regis
Profession: Adventurer
Area: Nairobi
Married: In London 8 July 1913 Sir Henry John 'Jock' Delves-Broughton, 11 the Baronet (1883-1942) (div.1940)
Children: Evelyn (2 Oct 1915-5 Jan 1993), Rosamund (Fraser, Baroness Lovat) (20 May 1917 London-3 Mar 2012)
Book Reference: Mischief, Debrett, Web
General Information:
Web - Explorer and big game hunter. Excellent photographer. Travelled in the then Belgian Congo in the 1930’s photographing a rare gorilla and accompanied Lord Moyne on his travels to South Pacific in 1930’s collecting live animals for the London Zoo and ethnograpghical material for the British Museum, the subject of his book “Walkabout”. Until 2001 held the record for the largest fish ever caught in British waters
Mischief - great adventuress, who was said to have eaten human flesh while investigating cannibal tribes in Borneo, and who had certainly shot many elephants.