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Name: FITTALL, Arnold Robert de Bussieros
Nee: son of Robert Joseph Fittall
Birth Date: 9 May 1916 Nairobi
Death Date: 1984 Auckland, New Zealand
First Date: 1934
Profession: Manufacturer's Agent. Clerk, Secretariat, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1935. Originally Learner 1934
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Portsmouth 1946 Florence Alice Cropp née Young b. 1922 Weymouth, d. New Zealand
Children: Malcolm; Kym; John; Ian; Wendy; Gina
Book Reference: Gillett, EAWL, Sitrep 2, Staff 39
War Service: Joined Kenya Regiment before the War
School: Nairobi Primary School, Prince of Wales School, Nairobi
General Information:
Source: Mrs C.N.A. Cooper
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. In 1937. (KR 47).
Emigrated to Australia and New Zealand.