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Name: TAYLOR (Major)
First Date: 1930s
Profession: Late Indian Army - farmer
Area: Rumuruti ?
Book Reference: Polnay
General Information:
Polnay - I went soon after my arrival on the farm to call on Major Taylor ....... who had asked me to look him up. Constance Mayhew didn't care for him saying he was a dirty old man and whenever they met undressed her with his eyes ......... Taylor's farm was a long way from Rumuruti ..... house was a ramshackle building, his servants went about in torn kanzus ..... Taylor came out in khaki shirt and trousers, his face pale and bloated, his spectacles gold-rimmed ...... the walls were covered with buffalo and antelope heads, there were lion and leopard skins on the floor and on the chairs, and there was a bookcase crammed with books on India ........ He was a pompous man, speaking in a harsh voice, barking at his servants, pacing the room, unable to relax. Constance had said that living alone had turned him into a lunatic. I sat on a chair covered with a leopard skin while he spoke with anger of most of the settlers in the district ......... showed me dozens of pornographic drawings, all executed by Taylor himself. It was dirt without art and I couldn't help thinking that solitude wasn't as uplifting as some people made out ......…