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Name: ELLIS, John Edward
Nee: son of Stephen and Elizabeth Walton Ellis
Birth Date: 5.8.1914 Nairobi
Death Date: ?1995
Profession: Asst. Engineer EA Posts & Tels. Dept. 1941; Exec. Engineer 1952; Senior 1954
Book Reference: Kenton, Colonial, Pembroke
School: Kenton College - left 1927 for Gilgil School, Pembroke House and Loughborough College
General Information:
Pembroke - 'John E. Ellis was the oldest of the first 17 foundation pupils. He spent most of his working career in the Kenya Uganda Railways & Harbours. …. 'I must have joined Pembroke in 1927 at the age of 12 years having previously been at Kenton, Kijabe, from 1923 until 1927, where Mr Turner had been a Housemaster. …. (more) ..I do recall the locusts' swarms darkening the sky. The playing fields were stripped of grass and the railway trains had difficulty in arriving at Gilgil Station owing to squashed locusts on the line.'
Pembroke No. 8, 1927, Box 604, Nairobi
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for birth