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Name: FLETCHER, William David

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Birth Date: 1885 Co. Antrim

Death Date: 21 Nov 1972 Nairobi

Nationality: Irish

First Date: 1904

Last Date: 1972

Profession: Solicitor's assistant; he worked with the same firm, Kaplan & Stratton, in Nairobi. for over 50 years

Married: Annie Maria Thornton b. 25 July 1883 Idle, York, arrived in EA 1913 and d. Nairobi 30 Dec 1955 (dau. of Edmund Thornton and sis. of Harold Arthur, Benjamin Beckett and George Rycroft Thornton)

Children: Sheila Patricia (Elliot) (19 Aug 1924 Nairobi-2011 Durban); Margaret Mary (Sullivan) (8 June 1916 Nairobi-1992 Durban); George Edmund (12 June 1918 Nairobi-4 Sep 1987 Johannesburg)

Book Reference: EAHB 1905, Gillett, Irish, EAWL, Red 25, Red 31, Gazette, Harmony, Barnes, Red Book 1912, Pioneers, Drumkey, Advertiser, North, SKP

General Information:

Letter from Mrs Sheila Elliot - he went out originally to join a law firm, but decided it was more to his liking to farm and so he bought land at Kericho and planted coffee - completely the wrong crop. Last time I visited Kericho Brooke Bond still had a field called 'Fletcher's' (Fletcher's Folly more like!) My mother travelled out to Kenya in 1913 with her father to join her brother and eventually met my father - half way to Kericho from Nairobi - both riding mules - they were married just before the war and my mother refused to live in Kericho as she hadn't come all the way from 'rainy' England to be rained on every afternoon at 4 pm.! So my father sold and returned to Nairobi and joined another law firm Delany and Stratton. They, eventually , at the outbreak of war bought a house which, I understand, was the first stone house in Nairobi and because of its shape was called 'The Domes' with 16 acres of ground cut out of St. Austin's mission. ...…
Eventually he bought another coffee farm called "Galaburu" situated at Donyo Sabuk which he eventually sold in 1945. He put a manager there and stayed in Nairobi where he was one of the original members of Muthaiga Golf Club, where he played consistently until 5 days before he died in 1972.
Hon. Treasurer of the Irish Society from 1933-1943; President in 1945.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - W. Fletcher, c/o A.J. Barry
Member of Lodge Harmony - Initiated 2/8/27, age 42, Law Assistant, Nairobi
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Annie Maria Fletcher, died 30 Dec 1955 aged 71  AND William Fletcher, died 21 Nov 1972 aged 87, buried in the same plot
Red Book 1912 - W. Fletcher - Nairobi
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - William Fletcher - Clerk, Sclater Road
Red 25 - c/o Barry, Delany & Russell, Nbi.
Gazette 1 May 1956 wife's probate
Gazette 16 Nov 1936  - Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - William Fletcher, Clerk, Sclater Road, near French Mission
Gazette 27 Apr 1973 probate
Pioneers has W. Flecher, Nairobi, June 1905
Advertiser -18/9/1908 - Subscriber to St. Andrew's Church Building Fund - W. Fletcher - Rs. 50
North - Mombasa 1904
EAHB 1907 - W. Fletcher - Nairobi (Parklands)
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - arrived June 1905 - Nairobi - W. Fletcher
Gazette 1 May 1956 wife's probate
Gazette 27 Apr 1973 probate

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