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Name: MAXWELL, James 'Uncle Jim'
Birth Date: 12 Oct 1877
Death Date: 1957 Kenya
First Date: 1912
Last Date: 1957
Profession: Company director. In the 50's the oldest European residents of Kisumu. Were in Kisumu before 1926. Owned Kisumu Hotel
Area: retired to Kisumu, 1930 Box 9, Kisumu
Married: In Lambeth 9 Feb 1902 Kate Foote - 'Auntie Kitty' b. 21 Oct 1880, d. 29 Nov 1955 London
Children: James Robert (5 Aug 1902); Kathleen (Green) (1898-21 June 1934 Kisumu)
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EA & Rhodesia, Gazette, Winnie
General Information:
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Nyanza Voters List
Red 25 - J. Maxwell, P.O. Box 9, Kisumu - Recruiting Agent, Produce Merchant, Builder & Contractor
Hut - James R. Maxwell married to Kitty - 1912 Labour recruiting, K Prospecting Synd. Kisumu
East Africa & Rhodesia - 1/12/55 - Mrs Maxwell, wife of Mr James Maxwell, owner of the Kisumu Hotel in Kenya, who went to the Colony in 1912, has died in London.
East Africa & Rhodesia - 19/12/57 - Mr James Maxwell who has died in Kenya, began business at Kisumu in 1912 as a contractor, but in the thirties was actively concerned in prospecting for gold and other minerals in the neighbouring Kakamega area and in Tanganyika territory. He built and operated one of the hotels in Kisumu, on the municipal board of which he served for 32 years, a record. He was "Uncle Jim" to many people, and he and his late wife, "Auntie Kitty", were known far and wide for their hospitality. Africans also held him in high regard and affection, his native name of "Odiaga" meaning "easy going".
Red 22 - J. Maxwell, Mumias Road Estate, Box 9, Kisumu - Produce Merchant, Timber Merchant
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kisumu - J. Maxwell, Contractor, Kisumu
Winnie - The old Maxwells, known to everyone as Uncle Jim and Aunti Kitty, were a kind and generous couple. In addition to their own grandchildren, they acted as surrogate grandparents to all of their many friends' children. They owned the Kisumu Hotel and lived on a farm not far from town. Sunday afternoon tea at the farm was yet another tradition and generally included several families
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - James Maxwell - Farmer - Kisumu and Mrs Kate Maxwell - Married - Kisumu
KAD 1922 - Kisumu.
Red 25 has J.R. Maxwell, Architect, Box 9, Kisumu.
Red 25 - Vice-President, Kisumu Chamber of Commerce
Gazette 19 Jan 1958 wife's probate
1939 England and Wales Register living in Reigate with wife, as builder and contractor