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Name: FLINT, Frederick Arthur
Birth Date: 22.1.1882 Dublin
First Date: 1907
Profession: District Superintendent of Police, Uganda Protectorate, 1907
Area: Uganda
Book Reference: Gillett, Shorthose, Drumkey, Leader14, North
War Service: Imperial Yeomanry in Boer War; Leic. Regt. in WW1
School: St. Andrew's, Dublin
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Asst. Dist. Supdt. of Police, UP 1907; Capt. 3rd Bn. Leinster Regiment; Queen's medal with 4 clasps and King's medal with 2 clasps.
Leader14 - Capt. F.A. Flint - Entebbe
Shorthose lunched with Capt. Flint in Kampala in 1914?