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Name: OWRID, Thomas (Rev.)

Birth Date: 10 Feb 1877 Ancoats, Manchester

Death Date: 13 June 1931 Manchester

Nationality: British

First Date: 1902

Profession: CMS missionary; at Sese Islands in 1905

Area: Iganga, Sese Islands, Uganda

Married: 1. In Manchester 15 Apr 1909 Caroline Hunt b.1880 Manchester d. 1916 Oldham; 2. In Oldham 1919 Margaret Christine Pink

Children: Arnold Thomas (17.7.1910 Kampala); Constance Caroline (1911 Uganda-2004); Marjorie Alice (Berrisford) (8 Nov 1912 Uganda-10 Dec 2010 Broadstairs)

Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, CMS, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, UJ

General Information:

Drumkey 1909 - CMS Uganda - Ndeje
CMS - 1902 - Age 25. Of Beswick, Manchester. Lead Turner. Born at Ancoats, Manchester. 1899 Prep Instn.; CM Coll. 1902 July 1 Accepted as Missionary CMS; Sept 23 Depart for Uganda Mission - Busoga - Iganga. 1904 Oct. Sese Islands - Bugala
Uganda Journal Vol 11 No 2 Sept 1947 - Uganda Notes  1903 - A Football Match - During a recent holiday in Busoga I took part in a football match between Iganga and Jinja. This is, I suppose, the first real match amongst the natives. The Iganga men walked over to Jinja with Mr Skeens and Mr Owrid who played on their side, while Mr Buckley, Sergeant Moss and myself played for Jinja. But there was no resisting the Iganga team; they beat us handsomely by 9 goals to 1.
North - Former lead turner; dep. for EA 23/9/1902; Iganga, Busoga; Sese Islands Oct. 1904
Ancestry Passenger list Kilindini-London 8 Sep 1913

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