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Name: CARR, Arthur Thomas
Death Date: 21 Mar 1923 Nuddea district, India
First Date: 1905
Profession: Clerk and Timekeeper, Public Works Dept., Nairobi
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: EAHB 1905, Drumkey, North, EAHB 1904
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Railway Dept. - Sub-Overseer1906 [?Anglo Indian]
North - Appt. Clerk PWD, Ukamba 13-6-1903
Gazette - 12/9/1923 - Probate and Administration - Arthur Thomas Carr (Asutosh Sircar), Sub Overseer, PWD, late of Mombasa and Kisumu who died at Relaitpur, Nuddea District, India on 21 March 1923. Applied for by Kantibhusan Sircar, carpenter, PWD, of Mombasa