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Name: BROWN, A. G.
Death Date: 20.9.1890 Machakos
Nationality: British
First Date: 1890
Last Date: 1890
Profession: IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 1st March 1890.
Area: Machakos
Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, IBEA, EAHB 1906, UJ, EAHB 1904
General Information:
IBEA - died 20th September 1890
Uganda Journal - Vol 23, p.146 - Captain Smith's Expedition to Lake Victoria - A.T. Brown - October 1889 joined IBEA Company; 1891 was in charge of Machakos station; (to be distinguished from A.G. Brown who left the Coast with Lugard in August 1890 and died 20 September 1890).
Uganda Journal - Vol 23, p.173 - George Wilson and Dagoretti Fort by H.B. Thomas - Ernest Gedge's diary of journey to the Coast 1891 - " …2 April - Walked into Machakos about 10 am. At the station a man called Brown in charge - a queer little chap. The station is not up to much, no stores or anything in it. Things seem generally to be in a proper mess down at the Coast. Brown has been having a little trouble with the people here. Sir F. de Winton has gone home so I hear. This is bad news.
North - Dep. Mombasa with the Capt. F. Lugard expedition to Uganda 6/8/1890