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Name: SWAYNE, Harold George Carless (Lieut. RE)

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Nee: brother of Eric John Eagles Swayne

Birth Date: 14.2.1860 St Helier, Jersey

Death Date: 14.4.1940 Guernsey

First Date: 1888

Profession: Royal Engineers

Married: 1. In Westminster 10 Feb 1894 Katherine Aimee Holmes b. 1862 British Guiana, d. 2 Jan 1905 Aden; 2. In Kensington 1907 his cousin Amy Christina Swayne b. 1869 Mathern, Worcs., d. 1936 Hertfordshire

Children: Helen May (Winder) (1895 Chatham-1985 Wadhurst)

Author: 'Early Days in Somaliland & Other Tales' 1896; Seventeen Trips through Somaliland, 1903

Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, Kiewiet, IBEA, Kingsley-Heath, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904, Chandler, Wikipedia

General Information:

Kiewiet - 1888 - First Company Caravan led by Lieut. Swayne RE. ……. Swayne found to be unsuitable so Frederick Jackson given the post while Swayne remained at the coast to survey the first few miles of railway route.
Kingsley-Heath - Famous Somaliland and southern Ethiopia explorer and hunter. Gave his name to hartebeest he discovered in Somaliland and southern Ethiopia. Author of 'Seventeen Trips in Somaliland'.
EAHB 1906 - Lieut. H.F.C. Swayne (RE)
North - 'Lt. Swayne is wanting in originality' (G.S. Mackenzie, Mackinnon Papers); 'Big game hunting was an obsession with him and he could think and talk of nothing else' (F.J. Jackson, 1930)
EAHB 1905 has H.F.C. Swayne - IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 13th September 1888.
North - Royal Engineers; serving British Army Officer seconded to IBEA Co.

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